While continuing to box up art supplies for the move to the new studio, Very Mary rediscovered a few of her favorite vintage patterns. Oh those bob haircuts! Oh those frocks! Oh those white gloves! Oh those potential nuns! Wait. What?
That's right, it's Maria, back from the convent.
And now she can't help it: Very Mary is obsessed with Maria. Is this comment a jab or a statement? Did the owner of this pattern love/hate Maria? Did Maria ever really become a nun? Or did she return from the convent because she couldn't handle the heat of God's kitchen? Did she ever let her hair grow long? Did she ever fall in love? Did she have children? Go to college? Get a job? Drive a fast car? Ditch the white gloves? And, perhaps most importantly, did Maria make the right choice? Oh Maria, Very Mary understands.
I think she might have married Christopher Plummer.
I've heard that the hills are alive with the sound of music...
How do you solve a problem like Maria?? I totally love the Sound of Music and the story of the von trapp family. You know they moved to New England and still have a resort/compound there???? Maria and the captain lived happily ever after:) I think the owner of the pattern was a famous costume designer and this was the one of the costumes she chose to make for the movie:)
This feels like the kind of thing the owner wrote to be funny (and it is) so she could pull it out and giggle over it with her girlfriends.
I just met a girl named Maria...
I love those bobs. I try to get my hair to go that all the time but instead of being cute and smooth it's all wild and wavy. I'll never be cute and smooth! NEVER! And I hate Maria...HATE HER AND HER SUPER CUTE HAIRCUT. :D
Well, you can take Maria out of the convent but you can't take the convent out of Maria. Look, she is planning to keep even her forearms covered.
you CRACK me up.
Hmmm, if you would have wrote it it would have been in humor but I bet the person who do was making a fashion note to herself. I think its funny.
I want that middle dress.
why are their necks so long?
If those dresses equal serene demeanors, I would gladly wear them. Of course someone else would need to sew them for me; I can barely do buttons.
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown...
My very favorite thing about vintage patterns are the little notes. Best ever (well, not now that I have read about the convent): "Enlarge bust. Take in waist."
Never have I written such a note.
I find it amusing how you have such a vivid imagination! :)
You tell us! How did Maria turn out? I hope there is some type of skanky activity involved. Hee hee
I am bad.
Nun of those girls give a dang what we think about them.
I bet they were talking Sound of Music because that looks a lot like Maria's dress on there. I do love the idea of Maria being someone they know though.
this? is why i like you so much.
also? could you please frame that sucker. that's good.
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