
Mail Order Body Parts

What does Very Mary do when her Very Good Friend has her kidney removed? She sends her a new one. Of course.


Dana said...

HAHAHAHA!!! She will burst open her stitches when she sees that! That is so cool!!!!

You Rock !!


Boracay beach hotel said...

That is so cool! But at the same very sweet. I love the idea!

Darla said...

Awww. Your are a Very Good Friend.


Carrie said...

She loved it. She sent me a picture message as soon as she got it.

maggiegracecreates said...

I giggled and it hurt. But it was perfect. Love you. Just one question. Where can I get that flying pig fabric? Lol.

Very Mary said...

Hey Teresa? I can tell you EXACTLY where to get that flying pig fabric.

Magpie said...

That takes the cake. So totally awesome.

Roxanne said...

That is hilarious!! And sweet. Love it!

Mrs. G. said...

Perfect. I think you have a future in body parts. I'd love to see your version of a spleen.

Yarni Gras! said...

did you send it to her in a jar? HA HA!
Very cute Very Mary!

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me, Very Mary. :)

Sherry Goodloe said...

I was going to write that I had lost my . . . nevermind, that might offend some of your readers LOL!

This kidney thing is just TOO cute and TOO funny!! I'm with Ann - you never cease to amaze me!

woof nanny said...

That is awesome!